Ideas for Number Plates
Personalised Number Plate Ideas
It can be a lot easier to think of your ideal personalised number plate when you look at different examples, and if you’re stuck for ideas then our advice below can be of assistance.
There are so many different aspects of a registration that you may want to consider when it comes to choosing your very own personalised reg and we’ve outlined a few approaches below, including prefix and current styles.
J14 SJW June 14th (Date of Birth) Stephen James Williamson
A4 CRK Alex Cork
S4 PKL Scott, Amelia, and their children: Paul, Katie, Laura
JD05 CPD Mr James Davidson and Mrs Claire P Davidson
R1 SFC Robert, Swansea City Football Club Supporter
Using Numbers as Letters on Personalised Plates
You may have noticed that on many personalised registrations, numbers look a lot like letters, and you can use different numbers to your advantage. Our table below displays various examples of numbers being used as a letter or a set of letters.

Deciding on your Ideal Private Reg
A good personalised number plate can give people an insight into a car owner’s personality and their interests, especially if the owner has their creative thinking hat on. Some registrations will stay with an individual for years and it’s important to use your imagination when you’re deciding on the right plate for your requirements. It must be said that some registrations live long in the memory, especially when they contain funny phrases or common terms. Funny abbreviations such as ‘LOL’ (laugh out loud) and ‘4EVR’ (forever) can be used on your registration so it doesn’t necessarily have to merely link to your name or birthday.
Number plates with Nicknames
You may have a unique nickname that many people will call you, and making clever use of numbers can often help registrations featuring nicknames. For example if your name is Harold but you’re often referred to as Harry, and then’ H4 RRY’ can work, while surnames can also be shortened in personalised registrations. Names and nicknames can be two of the most common types of approaches to choosing your registrations, but the options do not end there.
Jobs and Interests with your Cherished Plate
Customised number plates can be created to focus on your job and other interests. ‘DR’ can be used if you’re a Doctor, while ‘RESQ’ can be used if you recover vehicles, or work as a life guard. If you want to focus on a specific interest then there are also many of different approaches. For example ‘SNGR’ can be used if your notorious for spending a lot of time singing, while ‘TA2’ can be ideal for individuals with a specific interest in tattoos.
Private Plates Connected to your Vehicle
Some people may also want their number plate to be unique and suited to their car, perhaps focusing on the make and model. For example the owner of a Ford Focus ST2 could opt for a number plates ending with STT. The manufacturer of a vehicle can also be shortened, and if you own a Mazda then a number plate can include ‘MAZ’, while BMW benefits from not needing to be shortened in a vehicle reg.
If you’re still struggling to chose the perfect plate for your requirements then contact our team today on 01296 334400; we’ll be more than happy to help.