Promoting Yourself Through Your Plates


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Here you can stay up to date with the latest developments in the private number plate industry, including updates on private registrations, reg transfers and developments relating to the DVLA. We will also provide news updates on private plates that have made their way into the media spotlight.

Promoting Yourself Through Your Plates01-Jul-2014

Gone are the days where personalised number plates are just for celebrities and the wealthy – with private number plates becoming more and more affordable, we’re seeing a wide range of people sporting personalised registrations on their cars.

But ‘personal’ perhaps conjures up the wrong image, as many people are now starting to use their plates as a way of promoting their businesses or careers.
Why promote yourself through your number plates?

Whether you’re self-employed, run a small business or are the marketing director for a huge corporation, investing in personalised company number plates could be a wise move. Many firms who own company cars spend a lot of money getting their business details printed on the side or back of the vehicle, but fail to utilise the space on their registrations. This is often the part of car that people notice the most, especially if driving behind.

The basic truth is, people do acknowledge private number plates. It can be fun working out what they mean, or if there are any hidden messages behind the registration, and an intriguing number plate will stay in a person’s mind far more than the make and model of a car, or a long phone number printed on the side of the vehicle.

What potential do personalised number plates have with regards to business?

•    You can incorporate personalised plates into your offline marketing strategy – something which is often forgotten with the popularity of the internet and the need for high digital marketing budgets.
•    If you choose a funny or intriguing word to put on your plate, people will want to know more about your company. It will also show that you’re creative and innovative in your marketing techniques.
•    It can make a good impression on existing and potential clients – it shows that you’re serious about your business, and that you know how to promote yourself.
•    It helps to expand your brand by reaching people who otherwise might not know anything about your company – wherever your car goes, your advertisement goes.



What kind of personalised registrations work for promoting businesses?

Using letter and number combinations to create words associated with your career, industry, or specific company can help set you apart from your rivals. It can also be fun to come up with ideas for personalised registrations. Here are some examples:

•    If you’re an artist or even if you’re a company which just sells art products, you could have ‘ART’ on your number plate.
•    Plumbers have been known to use words such as ‘LAV’, and have been even more creative with the registration ‘DRA 1N’. (This is Pimlico Plumbers in London).
•    B&B owners could use ‘BNB’ on their plates.
•    Get creative like Paul Daniels, whose famous personalised plate spells ‘MAG 1C’.

If you think you could benefit from promoting yourself or your business through personalised plates, take a look at some online specialist car number plate dealers. Websites such as Private Number Plates offer DVLA plates, cherished number plates, and personalised number plates suitable for all kinds of budgets. Who knows – with your new number plate, you might start to see your business expand as people get to know your brand.
